Experienced staff provide challenging outdoor adventure for those with even the most profound needs. Our residential breaks are tailored around needs, be it special schools where the focus may be curriculum work; family breaks enabling families to meet others who face the same daily challenges. We also work with charities such as Headway and Mencap and many others who come to the centre to experience new challenges .


Individuals have opportunities to leave their wheelchair to experience the thrill of sailing down Bassenthwaite Lake in canoes rafted together. Children and young people take the plunge on their first trip away from home and feel the exhilaration of a 70ft abseil. Families experience the therapy of meeting other families and share experiences of dealing with disability in their daily lives.
Our mission is for people with disabilities to achieve their potential through the challenge of outdoor activities in the countryside.
We have a fully accessible 60 bed centre, riding stables and self-catering accommodation. Through trying new challenging activities we aim to enhance the lives of our visitors when they return home with a new found sense of confidence, achievement and a wealth of new skills.
The money we raise from this project will help fund an approximate  a £1.3M capital refurbishment and upgrade to Old Windebrowe. This is a grade 2 listed farmhouse and tithe barn donated to Lake District Calvert Trust by the Spedding family of Mirehouse when the trust was formed in 1976. The farmhouse is thought to date back to the 1550’s.
The changes to the building will include six very specialised apartments suitable for stroke survivors, children with acquired brain injuries or physical impairments and their families with a communal area in the tithe barn. Currently, there are very few facilities offering such accommodation with the added benefit of being involved with a range of outdoor activities, run from our Little Crosthwaite Centre.

Contact the Calvert Trust

017687 72255


The Lake District Calvert Trust, Little Crosthwaite, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4QD

Office hours are 9am – 5pm, seven days a week

Registered Charity No: 270923

The Calvert Trust in Keswick S26481.jpg


Calvert Trust Stables Open Day - broadcaster Gilly Fraser at the open day********This picture has been acquired from an external source. It may have been submitted or downloaded from the Internet. Seek approval to re-use on the Web/edition************X91641.jpg


Conrad Atkinson and work. CAPTIONS TO COME FROM PHIL


Daniel Foster from Kielder completed a 26 mile cycle ride to raise money for Calvert Trust. Story DC. D3710120  50010637H000.jpg

